Don’t settle for good enough

How many times were you treated poorly by your bank? By your energy provider? By a restaurant? I’ve had my fair share of such disappointments. Mind you, I’m not talking about the occasional hiccup in service. That would be understandable. We’re all human, after all, and prone to error. No. I’m talking about systematic failures.Continue reading “Don’t settle for good enough”


I lost £50. I then got them back. Here’s how it happened. I bought a product from AliExpress for £50. I bought it with confidence, because the product page clearly stated they offered free returns. I then received a faulty product. Of course, I immediately took pictures and reached out to AliExpress. Initially, I hadContinue reading “Objection”

Grow A Little Every Day

We recently had our lovely elderly neighbours over for dinner. It was then I introduced them to our Google Home. “What an incredible invention”, the husband said. “If I had this Google thing when I was a kid, I’d never stop asking it questions. I could have learned so much”. I didn’t have the heartContinue reading “Grow A Little Every Day”

Smile, Part 3

Everybody wants white teeth. There are so many products that promise to make your teeth whiter. I mentioned a few of them before. However, none seem to leave a lasting impact. Then my wife’s hygienist gave us a tip. Many of you may already know this, but I’m embarrassed to admit I didn’t. It turnsContinue reading “Smile, Part 3”

A Good (Trades)man Is Hard To Come By

It’s been a while since I last published a post. In the meantime, my wife an I bought our first house. Buying a house was a major educational experience for us. I will probably dedicate a few posts to the lessons we learned. The first, overwhelming lesson was how hard it was to find goodContinue reading “A Good (Trades)man Is Hard To Come By”

Bite the bullet (point)

After a period of not posting, I am very pleased to present this post. For those of us who tend to forget things, nothing beats a good list. And so, without further ado, I present to you the most exhaustive list of lists you could find anywhere, written by the master of lists himself, SakisContinue reading “Bite the bullet (point)”

Will We Ever Learn

Companies rise and fall. Nothing is forever. This isn’t a cliché. The largest companies in the world gave way to other companies. Giants have gone bankrupt. It’s a fact of life. What I find extremely frustrating is when great companies fall over easily foreseeable errors. When the red flags were waving, the alarm bells wentContinue reading “Will We Ever Learn”

With a Little Help…

It is with great pleasure I bring to you my first guest post. This one was written by Igor Wojda. Igor is a Senior Android Developer I’ve had the opportunity to discuss this blog with. We started discussing life optimisations, and he shared with me a recent optimisation he made to his life. I amContinue reading “With a Little Help…”