Seek and Destroy

One of my favourite ways of keeping my computer secure is passive protection. It keeps my CPU and memory free to focus on the work at hand. I never did like the idea of paying top dollar for a top-of-the-line CPU and fast memory only to spend a large portion of them on anti-virus softwareContinue reading “Seek and Destroy”

Tap Dancing on the Edge

The next time you see a software notification on your phone, don’t ignore it. Here’s why. Software is flawed. There are security holes in almost every application or game we use. There are minor flaws, which can lead to local loss of data. There are greater flaws, which can lead to hardware damage or seriousContinue reading “Tap Dancing on the Edge”

Blink Twice if It’s You

Our every login is compromised. This is a fact. I’ve explained this in an earlier post. I also offered a solution. Not using the same password for many accounts reduces the risk. So does opting for complex passwords. Using an app helps. It doesn’t make it go away, though. In truth, nothing can give usContinue reading “Blink Twice if It’s You”

Abracadabra? Open Sesame? Err…

Having secure passwords has never been so important. Hackers are working overtime and passwords are leaking left and right. You can check if any of your passwords was exposed here. Now, what password did I use for that website? Man, this is hard. I have so many accounts, on so many different websites. On topContinue reading “Abracadabra? Open Sesame? Err…”

Block the Meanies

There are plenty of active ad/spam/virus blockers out there. Quite a few of them are decent. I will likely even write about some of them at some point. But if there’s something I appreciate, it’s an elegant solution. When it comes to blocking all the meanies, stopping them at the source is as smart asContinue reading “Block the Meanies”