Will We Ever Learn

Companies rise and fall. Nothing is forever. This isn’t a cliché. The largest companies in the world gave way to other companies. Giants have gone bankrupt. It’s a fact of life. What I find extremely frustrating is when great companies fall over easily foreseeable errors. When the red flags were waving, the alarm bells wentContinue reading “Will We Ever Learn”

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Have you ever found yourself walking down a long passageway only to meet a dead end sign? How about completing a form, tapping submit and only then finding out some fields were mandatory? If you’re a developer, how many times have you ended up with data in a weird state? What do all of theseContinue reading “The Light At The End Of The Tunnel”

Don’t Talk Just KISS

I love efficient code. There is an odd type of satisfaction to writing well-performing code. Faster! Shorter! Less memory-consuming! More power! MORE! Well, it’s easy to see how quickly this gets out of hand. Before you know it, your code is a hot mess of high-performing, totally unmaintainable blocks. What started as a beauty endsContinue reading “Don’t Talk Just KISS”

Keep Your Comments To Yourself

I’ve been writing code for well over 30 years now. In 30 years of coding, I learned my code has to make sense to me long after I’ve written it. Later on, I started working on code shared with others. My code had to make sense to them, too. When code got really complicated, IContinue reading “Keep Your Comments To Yourself”

What Else?

As software developers, one tool at our disposal, in almost any language, is a switch expression. It comes in many forms: switch, case, when… They are all fundamentally the same. Given a value of an enumerated type, it defines the code behavior for each such possible value. In Clean Code, Uncle Bob suggests we makeContinue reading “What Else?”