Saving a Motorcycle and Finding the Secret Life of Foxes

Have you ever wondered what happens outside your home when you’re asleep? I used to think it was quiet and peaceful, until I installed a Nest doorbell and discovered a whole new world of activity.

The Nest doorbell is a smart doorbell. Smart doorbells let you see and talk to anyone who rings your doorbell, even when you’re not home. They can also record and store video clips of any motion or sound events that happen near your door.

The Nest doorbell is only one brand. You can also get a Ring doorbell or any other brand, really.

I got mine to improve the security and convenience of my home. I was surprised by what it captured on the first couple of days: two thieves trying to steal my neighbour’s motorcycle and four foxes playing on my front grass.

I shared the video footage with my neighbour. I imagine they took it to the police.

On a lighter note, how cute and curious the foxes seemed! They pass by from time to time and explore their surroundings. It’s enjoyable to watch.

The Nest doorbell is probably the best investment I made in my house yet. It makes me feel much safer and more connected to my neighbourhood. It also gives me a glimpse into the secret life of foxes, which is fascinating and adorable.

If you’re looking for a smart home device that can enhance your security, convenience, and entertainment, I highly recommend a smart doorbell. You never know what you might see or who you might help with it.

What’s a smart home device that changed your life? Let me know in the comment section below.

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Published by eranboudjnah

A software consultant and tech lead. Passionate about optimizing as many aspects of my life as possible, to free time for what really matters.

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