
I lost £50. I then got them back. Here’s how it happened. I bought a product from AliExpress for £50. I bought it with confidence, because the product page clearly stated they offered free returns. I then received a faulty product. Of course, I immediately took pictures and reached out to AliExpress. Initially, I hadContinue reading “Objection”

A Good (Trades)man Is Hard To Come By

It’s been a while since I last published a post. In the meantime, my wife an I bought our first house. Buying a house was a major educational experience for us. I will probably dedicate a few posts to the lessons we learned. The first, overwhelming lesson was how hard it was to find goodContinue reading “A Good (Trades)man Is Hard To Come By”

Bite the bullet (point)

After a period of not posting, I am very pleased to present this post. For those of us who tend to forget things, nothing beats a good list. And so, without further ado, I present to you the most exhaustive list of lists you could find anywhere, written by the master of lists himself, SakisContinue reading “Bite the bullet (point)”

With a Little Help…

It is with great pleasure I bring to you my first guest post. This one was written by Igor Wojda. Igor is a Senior Android Developer I’ve had the opportunity to discuss this blog with. We started discussing life optimisations, and he shared with me a recent optimisation he made to his life. I amContinue reading “With a Little Help…”

Behold My Creation

As a software developer, dealing mostly with virtual creation, I hold special fascination towards physical creations. This is why I find 3D printers fascinating. Creating something tangible from bits and bytes feels like magic. Unfortunately, I don’t feel 3D printers are quite there yet. They’re still too expense, too slow, too large. I am sureContinue reading “Behold My Creation”

Let Me Sleep On It

Experience has taught me there’s truth in the saying that location is everything. Having lived in amazing homes in poor locations and decent homes in great locations, I am sold. To me, the amazing home in a poor location is nothing but a golden cage. Choosing a decent home has a price, however. It meansContinue reading “Let Me Sleep On It”

Three Files To Go, Please

I recently switched from a MacBook to a Windows laptop. There were a few Mac features I really liked and was missing on Windows. One such feature is the ability to select multiple files, right click them and move them to a new folder. If you want this functionality on Windows, it’s your lucky day!Continue reading “Three Files To Go, Please”

Choose Your Weapon Wisely

I love gadgets. I’ve always loved them. I don’t discriminate, either. Small gadgets, large gadgets, technological gadgets, non-technological ones. I love them all. Given enough resources, I’d probably own every gadget in existence. For a while, I was heading in that directions. Fidget toys, USB dongles, tiny computers, Swiss army knives… I got them all.Continue reading “Choose Your Weapon Wisely”

Three Videos Of A Cat On A Roomba?

I remember times when data storage was extremely limited. Not only was it expensive, but it took up a lot of physical space. There were days where data was stored on audio cassettes. I was quite young then. By the time I was actually doing anything meaningful with computers, we had had 5 1/4″ diskettes.Continue reading “Three Videos Of A Cat On A Roomba?”